Don’t Say Cheese!

I don’t know who started it, but somewhere along the line we were taught that we should say “cheese!” when our picture was taken. The idea behind it is that we were supposed to smile from saying it, but often what results is a tight-toothed grimace, a glaze-eyed straining wince, or a glower from a stubborn child or angsty teen. If you are taking a group picture you can end up with all that and more! How do you get a smile? Nothing is fool proof, but here is some food for thought:

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Keeping Your Travel Images Safe

You’re finally doing it - taking that trip you always dreamed of. If you are like me, you will take tons of pictures as a way of taking the memories home with you. You may choose to bring a camera other than your phone with you. What you don’t want to have happen is losing any of your images along the way. How can you optimize your chances of getting your images home safely?

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Don’t Be Afraid to Chop - Oops - Crop Your Digital Pictures!

Don’t worry, I’m not telling you to take scissors to your prints! What I’m referring to is “cropping,” an editing term in photography which means to trim or re-shape or size an image. Photographers have always done this to make pictures look their best but it involved serious work in a darkroom! You can help your pictures look their best just by cropping.

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Who needs a Professional Headshot? You do.

Headshots have become an essential part of digital life and the workplace. In social media, your headshot may be the first time someone “meets” you - and you want to make a great first impression. Depending on the purpose a head shot may show just face or face and shoulders. They may be professional, casual, or display a variety of styles or looks. How do you know what you need? Using a professional photographer is the best way to get a high quality result - and Dreamers Realm Photography is here to help you create the headshot you need.

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Photo Speak 101: A guide to communicating with your photographer

To create the image you desire, it is imperative that you can effectively communicate with your photographer. Like many endeavors, the practice of photography has a developed a language of its own, full of unique jargon. By having a basic understanding of photographic lingo, you will be able to communicate better with your photographer, increasing the likelihood of creating a transcendent image.

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